We have restarted clinics for both coil and implanon.
Please call us on 01463 220077 to be added to our waiting list.
Sexual Health Screening
We are now offering sexual health screening at the surgery, This is a confidential service. National Guidelines recommend checking once a year.
For an appointment or more information call us on 01463 220077.
Blood Pressure
High blood pressure (hypertension) is very common. Although it doesn’t often come with symptoms, knowing you have high blood pressure could prevent life-threatening complications like heart attack and stroke.
Approved list of blood pressure monitors:
British Heart Foundation:
More Information:
Your annual asthma review is due.
Please complete the following Asthma Control Test ACT questionnaire on your device or computer, then
Click on VIEW RESULTS and email the document to the Practice at: (alternatively print and hand in)
If you are unable to do this, please arrange an appointment with one of our HCAs who can help with the ACT questionnaire.
We will be review the questionnaire and ask you to make an appointment to see the Practice Nurse sent if we think you need to.
However if you feel you need to see the Practice Nurse regardless, please arrange an appointment for Annual Asthma Review, after having completed the ACT questionnaire